Buy Cyber Liability Insurance Today!

Why Buy Cyber Liability Insurance Coverage?

Cyber Liability coverage is a must if you store or transmit patient data. Even if a third party company handles your patient data in paper or digital form, you still need cyber liability coverage.

Our general liability policy covers you for all visitors, all the time while on your premises – all perils regarding visitors in your office, hallways, bathrooms, and waiting rooms.

Protection for damages, fines, and legal fees for client records breached, stolen, damaged, or lost, whether in paper or digital form caused by third-parties (vendors, movers, etc.)

If you want first-party coverage for all of these perils for yourself and no more than three (3) employees, then you need to add the First-Party Endorsement to your policy.

Protect from the many of the costs associated with a major data breach, when confidential data such as patient records, or personal financial data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen, or used by an individual unauthorized to handle such information.

Cyber liability insurance protects when storing sensitive client data electronically or liabilities associated with doing business online.

  • Legal Defense Cost
  • State and Federal Fines and Penalties
  • Damages
  • Computer Security Breach Expert Audit
  • Client/Patient Notification Costs
  • ID Theft Protection Subscriptions for Victims
Is the Cyber Liability Choice Select policy guaranteed issue?

Yes. As long as you fit into one of the many occupations listed on the application form. We only ask a few basic information questions to calculate the premium based on your needs, and then to enroll you.